Eran Lambooij

Mainly interested in: cryptography, cryptanalysis, software development, photography, arts in general, reading, SUP, the world.

You can contact me through mail: first name [at] domain name [dot] io [public key]. Or come to my office at the Haifa university, Education building, room 661.




My Master's thesis, 'Cryptanalysis of Simon et al.'


A Hands on Introduction to Symmetric Key Cryptanalysis: see this webpage for the course website.


You can download my CV here

Fun projects

Cryptanex [Cryptanalysis exercises]: a webapp that I use in my hands on cryptanalysis course. See the website and try to solve some exercises.

PhotoCrypt: an app that encrypts a message and uses a scrambled photo as the key. You can only decrypt the message once you unscramble the photo.